WEBINAR: PyG Analítica con Power BI - Descubre cómo optimizar el control interno de tu empresa con un Pérdidas y Ganancias Analítica y Power BI - 5 de noviembre
¡Inscripciones abiertas!

Alfonso Beltrán

Photo of Alfonso Beltrán

Tell us about yourself

I have developed my entire career in the field of strategic consulting and I am currently M&A Director in the Madrid office.

How do you think these last few years have influenced the way you work?

They have helped me to focus much more on decision making, to adopt a much more global vision of the business and clients and to prioritize needs.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in their career?

The dynamism and uniqueness of every day; it's always different, there's always a new client and business to learn. Learning is continuous.

"At Baker Tilly, I would like to highlight the desire for continuous growth of the whole organisation, the camaraderie and the continuous concern for people"

Alfonso Beltrán

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