WEBINAR: PyG Analítica con Power BI - Descubre cómo optimizar el control interno de tu empresa con un Pérdidas y Ganancias Analítica y Power BI - 5 de noviembre
¡Inscripciones abiertas!

David Fernández

Photo of David Fernández

Tell us about yourself

I am David Fernández Cantón, I started as an intern in the world of auditing in December 1999 at the age of 21. I lived the transition from the peseta to the euro. I passed the ROAC entrance exam in 2006.

I am currently the audit director of the firm Baker Tilly, and responsible for signing all the grants we justify.

What do you value most about your day to day? And being part of Baker Tilly?

What I value most of the day to day is sharing efforts and projects with my coworkers. See how those who have been so many years continue with enthusiasm and wanting to maintain a high level of quality, and see the interest of those who begin in the profession.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career?

I will not be original in the answer, but it is a long-term race, with different phases along it: at first you must dedicate yourself to learning, to ask many questions. Then comes a phase of consolidating what has been learned and learning to manage the different pressures that exist in this profession, both internal and external. Later, learn to teach more people and lead jobs and teams. 

"Recent years have changed the physical location, audit program and work papers"

David Fernández

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