WEBINAR: PyG Analítica con Power BI - Descubre cómo optimizar el control interno de tu empresa con un Pérdidas y Ganancias Analítica y Power BI - 5 de noviembre
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Eduard Barragán

Tax and Legal
Photo of Eduard Barragán

Tell us about yourself

I have a law degree from the UAB, and I am a former candidate to become a Property, Mercantile and Movable Property Registrar. I am currently senior manager of the litigation department, developing my professional career mainly in the field of civil and commercial pre-litigation advice, with special dedication in the areas of inheritance and contracts, as well as assisting clients through representation and legal management in civil and commercial legal proceedings.

How do you think the last few years have influenced the way you work?

Internally, it is true that the last few years have posed a certain challenge in terms of adapting to remote working methods and its implications in terms of managing a team that must necessarily act in a coordinated manner and feel part of it. However, this has not really meant a major paradigm shift in terms of customer service and availability, which, in the end, is what must always come first. This has allowed us to give more value, if possible, to the professional, which is a fundamental element in a market as globalised and competitive as the legal one.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in their career?

I would say two things to someone starting their career as a lawyer. The first is to train and specialise, but never lose sight of the global point of view, which is absolutely essential to provide advice with real added value. When the specialist is able to see beyond the small detail that his specialisation allows him to see, he becomes a differential. The second thing I would say is to cultivate empathy, not only towards the client, but also towards the opposing lawyer, the judge, the arbitrator or the mediator, towards everyone. A good professional must undoubtedly have the capacity for conviction and determination with excellent communication and persuasion skills, but it is absolutely essential that he or she be able to understand and put himself or herself in the place of the other actors involved in a dispute.

"What I value most in my day-to-day work is the absolute lack of monotony of having to manage highly complex disputes, with many variables and implications and repercussions in multiple areas of law"

Eduard Barragán

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