WEBINAR: PyG Analítica con Power BI - Descubre cómo optimizar el control interno de tu empresa con un Pérdidas y Ganancias Analítica y Power BI - 5 de noviembre
¡Inscripciones abiertas!

Jordi Martínez

Energy and Sustainability Partner
ESG and management systems 
Photo of Jordi Martínez

Tell us about yourself

Since 1994, I have developed my entire professional career in the strategic, quality, environmental and sustainability consultancy sector, helping organisations to improve their management, applying common sense, technical rigour, effort and enthusiasm. I have combined this work with executive functions that have also allowed me to develop management skills.

For more than 10 years, I have been Managing Partner of ECOGESA, a consulting firm integrated in the Baker Tilly Spain Group, which specialises in management systems and sustainability (ESG).

What does Baker Tilly mean to you?

A great opportunity to continue developing my professional career, gaining access to new clients and more ambitious projects and being able to meet and work with great professionals from other areas.

What do you value most in your day-to-day work?

We are lucky that our work is not monotonous at all. Every day we work with a different client and/or project, which allows us to continuously develop and learn. I am a curious person, eager to take on new challenges, and the consultancy business gives me all this. In this sense, I consider myself a very lucky person.

"The pandemic has undoubtedly meant an evolution in our work operations, it has allowed all of us to be more efficient"

Jordi Martínez

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