Outsourcing of Labour Management
Outsourcing of the labour management process
Optimising costs and delivering results
Optimal labour management can be decisive in ensuring the activity and business of a company. At Baker Tilly we offer the possibility of completely outsourcing the labour management department of a company, so that we can take care of labour administration tasks, following the guidelines and strategies established by the company, through direct and secure communication.
Furthermore, our Business Process Outsourcing (B.P.O. BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING) service is designed to respond to the current interests of organisations looking for a partner that not only understands their needs, but also uses its experience and technology to improve the management of their own business.
Advances in information and communications technology have made it possible for part of the work necessary for the operation of an organisation to be carried out by external entities at a reduced cost and with total security and confidentiality. This is why, at Baker Tilly, we can make it possible for a company to concentrate fully on the development of its business with the peace of mind and confidence of knowing that the work aspects are controlled by our team of professionals.
The implementation of our Labour BPO allows us to achieve significant reductions in costs and time as well as to obtain advanced technological solutions for the challenges presented by personnel management, with total adaptability and flexibility, and with the aim of being able to respond to the specific needs of any professional activity by means of, among other services, the creation of parameterised summaries of analytical personnel costs, the implementation of a HRP Portal, the generation of bank remittances and accounting entries or the monthly communication of contractual maturities and relevant notices.
The main objective of our team of professionals is to provide security in the constant legislative innovations approved in labour matters, through exclusive dedication with a high degree of specialisation and continuous advice, which allows the total coverage of the needs of the company, including from the preparation of payrolls and social security, the updating of labour agreements and the making of incentive payments or arrears, to the management and processing of all the necessary documentation for the hiring and termination of employees, as well as extensions, modifications, contractual novations or the management of employee offences and penalties, working hours and working days, holidays, absenteeism, mobility, medical leave, dismissals and suspensions of employment and salary.
We also take care of the preparation of State and regional IRPF documents (forms 111, 216, 190 and 296), the preparation of certificates of income and income on account of personal income tax and family situation, as well as the filing of online documents through platforms such as Sistema Red, Certific@, Delt@ and Contrat@.
Similarly, our services also include procedures and processes before official bodies (TGSS, INSS, ITSS, etc.) such as the preparation and attendance at a Labour Inspection or the preparation and processing of retirements, special agreements, birth benefits, self-employed and domestic employee procedures, debt deferrals and settlements and any other related to the field of employment.