Diana Socias

Photo of Diana Socias

Tell us about yourself

I am currently an Audit Manager in Barcelona. I joined Audiaxis Auditores as an intern about 8 years ago, from which I have been acquiring knowledge and experience until reaching my current position.

How do you think these last few years have influenced the way you work?

The way of working has changed over the years, and as a millennial I have had no problem adapting to all the changes.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in their career?

Don't be afraid to ask questions, the beginning is key to be able to absorb many new concepts and methodologies, be proactive and eager to learn.

"In my day-to-day work I value the camaraderie of all my colleagues, the flexibility, and the new challenges that come along. Baker Tilly has given us a different approach to audit projects"

Diana Socias

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