Pablo Arrojo

Photo of Pablo Arrojo

Tell us about yourself

I have a degree in Business Administration and am a member of the Committee of Non-profit Entities of the Col legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya.  I am currently an audit manager.

How do you think the last few years have influenced the way you work?

Since the pandemic, the way of working has changed from being in person to being hybridized in many cases. The challenge is to adapt to this new way of working without losing proximity with our customers and colleagues.

What do you value most about your day to day? And being part of Baker Tilly?

The good working environment and the good relationship with my colleagues. As well as the challenge of auditing where you are always learning something new.

Baker Tilly is a growing firm that provides opportunities and learning. 

"My advice to someone who is starting their career is to have desire, enthusiasm and not be afraid to ask questions"

Pablo Arrojo

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