WEBINAR: PyG Analítica con Power BI - Descubre cómo optimizar el control interno de tu empresa con un Pérdidas y Ganancias Analítica y Power BI - 5 de noviembre
¡Inscripciones abiertas!

Xavier Mercadé

CEO, Partner
Photo of Xavier Mercadé

Tell us about yourself

I am the managing director of Baker Tilly in Spain and a member of the board of Baker Tilly International.

I started working in a law firm in Italy and then in an audit firm in Germany. I returned to Spain to start in the financial department of a pharmaceutical company. I moved to consulting and from 2005 to 2010 I was chaining projects in Switzerland, Germany and Italy.

In 2010 I joined the firm definitively.

What do you value most in your day-to-day work, and being part of Baker Tilly?

What I value most is being able to have a direct impact on the development of the firm. Having the opportunity to make the company we envisioned a few years ago a reality. We have been learning from many of our international colleagues. They have always been generous enough to share their knowledge with us.

We are an increasingly larger and more complex company that requires more training to keep moving forward.

"I like to see what we have built in a few years and I am passionate about thinking about what may come"

Xavier Mercadé