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The TEAC admits the partial regularization of the capitalization reserve

Baker Tilly Nov 27, 2023

The Central Administrative Economic Court (TEAC) has endorsed partial regularization instead of total regularization for partial non-compliance with the Corporate Income Tax Law, specifically related to the tax incentive for the capitalization reserve.

TEAC's decision establishes a new precedent by contradicting the Administration's ability to fully regularize the incentive in cases of partial non-compliance during an inspection procedure. This event becomes even more relevant considering the lack of clarity in the regulations regarding how to address these partial non-compliances.

The essence of TEAC's decision lies in the regularization applying only to the amounts in default, allowing taxpayers to maintain the incentive as long as they meet the established conditions. This approach, based on TEAC's interpretation, reinforces the idea that partial non-compliance should not result in the total loss of associated tax benefits.

TEAC has consistently supported this interpretative criterion in similar cases, solidifying its position in favor of taxpayers. Although this resolution has not been officially published yet, it is already shaping up as good news for those who might have faced the prospect of losing their tax incentives due to partial non-compliance.

In practical terms, this decision provides taxpayers with greater flexibility when regularizing their tax situations. Allowing partial regularization offers a solution that balances compliance needs with the preservation of legitimately earned tax benefits. This is particularly valuable in a context where regulations do not provide specific guidance on how to address these scenarios.

TEAC's resolution stands as a beacon of legal clarity in a previously cloudy terrain. Taxpayers can now have greater certainty about how to proceed in cases of partial non-compliance, avoiding the uncertainty that could have arisen in the absence of this court decision.

In summary, TEAC's decision offers essential guidance for taxpayers seeking to understand and address partial non-compliances in the Corporate Income Tax Law. The news that partial regularization is acceptable provides significant relief and underscores the importance of consistency in interpreting tax regulations.

Although the resolution has not been officially published yet, its impact is already felt in the tax community. Taxpayers can anticipate with optimism greater flexibility and clarity in the application of the law in cases of partial non-compliance. Ultimately, TEAC's decision reinforces the importance of a fair and equitable interpretation of tax regulations, ensuring that taxpayers are not disproportionately penalized for partial non-compliances.

Baker Tilly International
$5.2 bn

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