Mari Carmen Muela

Financial Director
Photo of Mari Carmen Muela

Tell us about yourself

I graduated in Business Administration and Management at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Subsequently, I took different courses related to (practical taxation, management control, advanced accounting, leadership, etc.).

I have carried out different functions within Baker Tilly: accounting and tax consultancy, Accounting & Reporting management. I also worked for a while in a pharmaceutical company in the Controlling department and now I am the Financial Director, to homogenise processes, implement policies throughout the company, ensure financial needs and coordinate the administration department of Baker Tilly Iberia with the transversal service provided to the rest of the divisions.

How do you think these last few years have influenced the way you work?

The truth is that teleworking has allowed greater flexibility when it comes to combining work and personal time and has allowed me to organise my work better. Online meetings have also made it easier for me to avoid unnecessary travel and to be more efficient.

What do you value most in your day-to-day work and being part of Baker Tilly?

On a professional level, one of the things I value most in my day-to-day life is to see that the work is gradually taking root and that processes are being improved. Being able to manage my time independently, thanks to teleworking, is also one of the things I like the most.

Being part of Baker Tilly, I value the adaptability of the company, the commitment to talent, to train people and to give opportunities to people who can contribute a lot to the company.

"Both theoretical and practical training is essential, being able to see different aspects of a company or clients will help you to get a better idea of their capabilities, skills, strengths and areas for improvement"

Mari Carmen Muela